STEP 1: Select Vehicles to Compare
STEP 2: Select an Electric Rate Plan
This program is available to Liberty’s non-residential customers in Missouri who receive their regular service under Rate Schedule NS-GS, NS-LG, TC-LG, TC-GS, NS-SP, TC-SP or LP; who meet all program entry qualifications; and who operate facilities that offer private workplace parking for employees and/or operate a light, medium, or heavy-duty on-road vehicle fleet in Liberty’s electric service area stationed overnight next to the facility.

The program is capped at 10 L2 EV Charging Stations per Participant Site; a total of 50 EV Charging Stations will be deployed through the Program.

CEPP Enrollment Fee: a one-time entry fee of $2,500 (total regardless of how many EV chargers are being installed) payable by the Participant at the time of executing the Participation Agreement with Liberty. The Enrollment Fee will be waived for qualified Participants that are either M/WBE certified by the Missouri Office of Equal Opportunity or Non-profit Organizations.

CEPP Monthly Participation Fee: a fixed fee of $199.38 per month, per charger installed, payable by the Participant on a monthly basis to recover Liberty’s costs in deploying, financing, and operating the EV Charging Station(s) plus all the applicable taxes. (See Program Guide for complete fee information.)

STEP 3: Configure Charging Equipment and Schedule
Use the tools below to optimize charging costs based on rate schedules, charging equipment and vehicle availability requirements. This tool assumes your charging infrastructure will be separately metered. Results may vary substantially if you have additional facilities load on a shared meter.

Fuel Cost Summary
EV Annual Cost
_ /year
Gas/Diesel Annual Cost
_ /year
Annual Savings
_ /year
Calculation Details
_ Reduction
Total kWh _ kWh
Max Demand _ kW

Additional Fees:

The calculations in this savings estimator do not include the CEPP one-time enrollment fee for $2,500 or the CEPP monthly participation rate of $199.38 per-charger. The program is capped at 10 L2 EV Charging Stations per Participant Site; a total of 50 EV Charging Stations will be deployed through the Program.

These charges do not apply to the standard non-CEPP program rates (Schedule NS-GS, NS-LG, TC-LG, TC-GS, NS-SP, TC-SP or LP).

*Disclaimer: This tool is only intended to provide an estimate of potential savings. Actual results will vary. Customers may not realize similar energy savings or carbon emission reductions. Vehicle data is subject to change without notice. These are estimated electricity rates for the utility. Rates may not include tiered or time-of-use charges. Rates change periodically. Utility does not warrant or represent that this data is accurate. In no event shall the utility or its suppliers be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to claims associated with the accuracy of this data or information.